🕊: studio[@]mugeyilmaz[.]com






UPCOMING 2024 > 2028

On view until September 2024 at Quetzal Art Center

22 June: Reading Group Goddess Change with Adriana Knouf

20 July: Gathering Earthseed


Feminist Science Fiction Library, installation at Unfair, in collaboration with Anna Hoetjes & Buro Stedelijk

Feminist Science Fiction Library, installation at Unfair, in collaboration with Anna Hoetjes & Buro Stedelijk, photo by Ernst van Deursen

Feminist Science Fiction Library, installation at Unfair, in collaboration with Anna Hoetjes & Buro Stedelijk

Feminist Science Fiction Library, installation at Unfair, in collaboration with Anna Hoetjes & Buro Stedelijk

Feminist Science Fiction Library, installation at Unfair, in collaboration with Anna Hoetjes & Buro Stedelijk

Feminist Science Fiction Library, installation at Unfair, in collaboration with Anna Hoetjes & Buro Stedelijk

Feminist Science Fiction Library, installation at Unfair, in collaboration with Anna Hoetjes & Buro Stedelijk

Textile work by Anna Hoetjes, photo by Ernst van Deursen

Echoes of Our Stories, at Quetzal Art Center, photos by Lais Pereira

On view from September 16th 2023 until September 2024 at Quetzal Art Center, photos by Lais Pereira

Echoes of Our Stories, A Garden of Coincidences at Quetzal Art Center, photos by Lais Pereira

Echoes of Our Stories, A Garden of Coincidences (detail) at Quetzal Art Center, photos by Lais Pereira

Echoes of Our Stories, at Quetzal Art Center, photos by Lais Pereira

Echoes of Our Stories, A Garden of Coincidences (Berta Caceres) at Quetzal Art Center, photos by Lais Pereira

Echoes of Our Stories, A Garden of Coincidences (seats) at Quetzal Art Center, photos by Lais Pereira

Echoes of Our Stories, A Garden of Coincidences (Seed Circle) at Quetzal Art Center, photos by Lais Pereira

Echoes of Our Stories, A Garden of Coincidences (Seed Circle) at Quetzal Art Center, photos by Lais Pereira

Echoes of Our Stories, GypsII, Gyps III & Ophanim & MoonWijzer at Quetzal Art Center, photos by Lais Pereira

Echoes of Our Stories, Gyps III & Ophanim at Quetzal Art Center, photos by Lais Pereira

Echoes of Our Stories, Ophanim at Quetzal Art Center, photos by Lais Pereira

Echoes of Our Stories, Ophanim at Quetzal Art Center, photos by Lais Pereira

Echoes of Our Stories, Ophanim (detail: seed bank) at Quetzal Art Center, photos by Lais Pereira

Echoes of Our Stories, Ophanim (detail: 3D print) at Quetzal Art Center, photos by Lais Pereira

Echoes of Our Stories, Ophanim (detail: seeds) at Quetzal Art Center, photos by Lais Pereira

Echoes of Our Stories, Gyps III & Gyps II at Quetzal Art Center, photos by Lais Pereira

Echoes of Our Stories, Gyps II (originally commissioned by 16th Istanbul Biennial) at Quetzal Art Center, photos by Lais Pereira

Echoes of Our Stories, Gyps III (detail) at Quetzal Art Center, photos by Lais Pereira

Echoes of Our Stories, MoonWijzer at Quetzal Art Center, photos by Lais Pereira

Echoes of Our Stories, MoonWijzer (detail) at Quetzal Art Center, photos by Lais Pereira


Outdoor Sculpture at Four Siblings terrein, visible until end of November 2023

Image of collective ecological installation from 2021 on Google Maps link

We are making a new edition of the public garden under a new name: Four Siblings!

You can follow Hereby the calendar for workshops & performances via this link. Or come in person and find us there every Wednesday afternoon

Sahmaran, 1m x 2.8m, 2023, photo by Mike Bink

Wonderbaarlijke Wezens' te zien bij Kunsthal KAdE until 3 September 2023

Apkallu & Ishtar, 30cm x 70cm, 2023, photo by Mike Bink

Sharing the Same Womb, at Ruigoord, photo by Aad Hoogendoorn

Four Siblings (ongoing) find me here every Wednesday afternoon

Altered Breath, De Finale, until 26 August

Materiality research studio of the Climate Imaginaries at Sea project with research proposal S.A.L.T


The Milk of Dreams, 59th Venice Biennale

The Adventures of Umay Ixa Kayakizi, 2022, documentation courtesy of 59th Venice Biennale

The Adventures of Umay Ixa Kayakizi, 2022, documentation courtesy of 59th Venice Biennale

The Adventures of Umay Ixa Kayakizi, 2022, documentation courtesy of 59th Venice Biennale

The Adventures of Umay Ixa Kayakizi, 2022, documentation courtesy of 59th Venice Biennale

The Adventures of Umay Ixa Kayakizi, 2022, documentation courtesy of 59th Venice Biennale

Marine Lover: Snakes and Metal curated by Angels Miralda, 22 October until 20 November 2022

Vibrational Objects, 2014, documentation by Franz Mueller Schmidt

Vibrational Objects, 2014, documentation by Franz Mueller Schmidt

MUSEUM ARNHEM, Tenminste Houdbaar Tot

Curated by Manon Braat, on view until 30th January 2023

Goddess Theory, 2022, on view at Museum Arnhem

Goddess Theory, 2022, on view at Museum Arnhem

Goddess Theory, 2022, on view at Museum Arnhem, eye details by Floor Klaassen

Goddess Theory, 2022, on view at Museum Arnhem, photo by Kasia Su

Goddess Theory, 2022, on view at Museum Arnhem, photo by Kasia Su

Goddess Theory, 2022, on view at Museum Arnhem, photo by Kasia Su

Goddess Theory, 2022, on view at Museum Arnhem, photo by Kasia Su

Core tutor at DAI in collaboration with CASCO A.A 2021/22

Su Akar Dilini Bulur / All Water Falls into Language curated by Naz Kocadere, 5 October - 19 November

The Water, 2013-2022, in Istanbul, documentation by Elif Kahveci, performence Melih Kirac & Mustafa Kaptan

The Water, 2013-2022, in Istanbul, documentation by Elif Kahveci, performence Melih Kirac & Mustafa Kaptan


Tutor at Dutch Art Institute, in collaboration with Casco Art Institute - Working for the Commons 2021/2022


Emotions Are Oceans, Radius CCA, Delft

Curated by Niekolaas Lekkerkerk, on view until 26 June 2022


9th June, EyeFilm, Amsterdam, Cinema Ecologica

Posterity Hill, solo exhibition at Wilfried Lentz Rotterdam, photo documentation coming soon


Community project: Four Sisters 8.8km walk


W139 That Those Beings Be Not Being 22 October till 28 November


The Adventures of Umay Ixa Kayakizi, commissioned by Other Futures Festival, until 12 November

Photo by Pieter Kers


Re-Nature, until 31st October 2021


Edible labyrinth in Amsterdam, Nieuw West, photo by Iris Dik

► Four Sisters Project,


► Hemelladder
A living portrait of Hildegard von Bingen achter de St. Franciscus Xaveriuskerk, Amersfoort, NL


A New Nest of Protectors
Public installation: Openbare kunst op testlocatie Sloterdijk Station, curated by Iris Dik



► On Protection (Apotropaic Devices), Bureau Postjesweg, Amsterdam

Finissage and performance in collaboration with Sarah van Sonsbeeck 30th June

Photos by GJ van Rooij

Exhibition Texts: Interview met kunsthistoricus Laura Kneebone (Nederlands)

Interview with zooarchaeologist Maaike Groot (English)

Interview met zoöarcheoloog Maaike Groot (Nederlands)


►Outdoor Installation for Art Rotterdam, in collaboration with NEST


Group Show Between the Self & the Other, Tegenboschvanvreden, Amsterdam


A Fair Share of Utopia
Opening 4th September until 22 November, 2020, NEST, Den Haag
A Garden Of Coincidences photos by Lotte van Uittert

A Garden of Coincidences (detail)


Tapetum Lucidum 2017 - 2020
Collective exhibition Unlocked / Reconnected with A Tale of A Tub


Apotropaic Device III, CNC-cut and hand carved birch, 2020

Apotropaic Device III, CNC-cut and hand carved birch, 2020

Apotropaic Device III, CNC-cut and hand carved birch, 2020

Plural Fertilities
Group show curated by Zippora Elders at Kunstfort Vijfhuizen - on view until 6th September 2020


The Seventh Continent
16th Istanbul Biennial curated by Nicolas Bourriaud

Eleven Suns, CNC-cut and hand carved birch wood, various stones, shells, water, photos by Sahir Ugur Eren



Museumnacht at De APPEL curated by Faysal Mroueh

Text at Tubelight by Anna Rosja Haveman & Vanessa van't Hoogt ,


The Triennial of Beetsterzwaag
The Concrete : The Mountain

7 - 8 September, 2018
An outdoor installation and performance around Witte Meer first developed in 2017 during a residency
at Kunsthuis SYB . The audience is guided through the forest where the works
can only be viewed by use of torches
Curated by Julia Geerlings and Niekolaas Lekkerkerk


And They Were Out
Outdoor installation with performance, sculptures, and sound by Rutger Muller
at Nieuw & Meer, 14 July, 2018


Baker Tilly Prize, 2018


Performance during Antwerp Art Weekend
Invited by Art Viewer, Special Feature


Meeting the Universe Halfway at KIT, Kunst im Tunnel, Dusseldorf


"The Concrete:The Mountain" Kunsthuis SYB, Friesland, 2017
Text by Anne Marijn VoorHorst

Night Search, from "The Concrete:The Mountain" 2017, Kunsthuis SYB, Friesland

Oscillations (Liquid Mountain), Het Valkhof Museum, Nijmegen, 2016

Oscillations (Liquid Mountain), Het Valkhof Museum, Nijmegen, 2016


"The Water, the Soil" Public performance part of PERFORMATIK 17, Brussels, 2017 Photo by Paul McGee

"The Water, the Soil" Public performance part of PERFORMATIK 17, Brussels, 2017 Photo by Paul McGee

"The Water, the Soil" Public performance part of PERFORMATIK 17, Brussels, 2017

"The Water, the Soil" Public performance part of PERFORMATIK 17, Brussels, 2017


The Water, The Soil, The Jungle, 11th Shanghai Biennial, 2016


The Water, public performance in collaboration with WorkSpaceBrussels and S.A.L.E Docks,
as part of Dark Matter Games, Venice, 2017

The Water, public performance in Venice

Performance in M KHA - Museum of Modern Art, Antwerp, 2017

Future Moist, installation view at MoMart, 2015, Amsterdam

Future Moist, installation view at MoMart, 2015, Amsterdam

The Water, The Soil, The Jungle, Park Tour&Taxis, WorkSpaceBrussels, 2016 curated by Marnix Rummens

The Water, The Soil, The Jungle IIII, Parc Tour&Taxis, Brussels, 2016

A Brief History of Time, Rijksakademie Open, 2014

A Brief History of Time, Rijksakademie Open, 2014

A New Elan Vital, Rijksakademie, 2014, with EPS Foam, Resin, Honey, Water

Vibrational Objects, Rijksakademie, 2014, hand carved Zebrano Wood, American Oak, Cherry Wood, Pine Wood, Cocobolo, MDF,
PlyWood, Oregon Pine, Cast Aluminum, Resin

Circle of Necessities (Halay)
All possible water bottles from Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2013 (Ongoing Collection)


11th Shanghai Biennale, 2016

Rijksakademie 2013 - 2014

WorkSpace Brussels

16th Istanbul Biennial


Sketch from 2012, 99 Venuses, found in old external driver


In her work, Müge Yilmaz examines the paradoxes around to concept of protection with focus on community,
survival and belief (faith). Through performances, photographs and installations she creates immersive atmospheres inspired by
feminist science-fiction. Following the concept of three ecologies for observing the mental (subjective), societal and
environmental developments in a parallel method, she uses image and performance as tools for envisioning
potential futures. By keeping protection as a common denominator, her research creates speculations on preservation
and scarcity. She constantly looks for trigger points in shape of visual manifestations that provoke
subconscious reactions and reflexes. (2012-2024)

Thank you.